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» » Bleeding Tree
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Pterocarpus angolensis, or also referred to as bleeding is Pterocarpus wood. This is a special kind of tick in South Africa, known by various names, such as Kiiat, Mukva and Muninga. Wood received this name because of its deep red juice. Split trunk or tree branch damaged or begins to secrete a dark red liquid. Sticky, reddish-brown juice seals the wound to promote healing.
Red juice is traditionally used as a paint in some areas, it also mixed with animal fat to make cosmetics for face and body. The festering tree believed to have magical properties for the treatment of blood diseases, obviously because of the close resemblance in color and consistency. The tree is also used for the treatment of many diseases such as ringworm, acute pain, eye problems, malaria, hemoglobin fever, stomach problems and a shortage of breast milk.
Pterocarpus angolensis of doing high-quality furniture, because it is very easy to handle, painted. This tree does not wither and does not lose the form for this quality, along with its high durability, pterocarpus is valued in the manufacture of boats, canoes and flooring in the bathrooms.
Because of its great value local people of Central and southern Africa uncontrollably cut down the bleeding tree that delivered it to the brink of extinction in recent decades.
Pterocarpus can grow to 12-18 meters tall, has dark brown rough bark, beautiful Crown in the shape of an umbrella and yellow flowers. Undoubtedly, this is one of the most amazing tree in the world.

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