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» » RECIPE: Nadur Yakhni (Lotus Stems / Roots with Yogurt)
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Nadur Yakhni is a Kashmiri dish made of lotus stem / root and yoghurt. Nadru or Lotus stems/roots are a delicious curious vegetable very popular in Kashmir. The are often fried and served as street snack food. This recipe is a yoghurt based curry which is absolutely delicious when served with rice. Tastes even better the next day
Learn how to make/prepare Nadeir Yakhean by following this easy recipe.
1 kg lotus stems
5- cardamom sticks
1 tea-spoon green cardamom powder
1 tea-spoon fennel powder
1 tea-spoon ginger powder
½ tea-spoon mint powder
1 tea-spoon pran (Kashmiri onion paste – recipe)100 gm ghee
3 cups water
1 kg yogurt
Salt (according to taste)
To make the ‘pran’, or Kashmiri onion paste, take roughly 500 grams of small red onion ( the smaller the better ) and slice them finely. Sprinkle some salt and then let them sit for 3- 4 minutes to draw out the water. Squeeze out the extra water with your hands, anfry the onions in 4 tablespoons of oil till they are light golden brown. Remove from the pan and place on some sheets of kitchen paper to remove excess oil. Once they are cool , give the onions a quick blend in a food processor or grind with a pestle to get a thick and a dark golden – brown paste.
1 – Wash and peel the lotus stems , cut into thick slanted slices and keep them aside.
2 – Heat 2 table-spoon ghee in a pan and fry the cinnamon sticks & green cardamom powder with the lotus stems. Now add the water and boil the lotus stems for 15 minutes. Remove and drain.
3 – Heat the remaining ghee & add the fennel , ginger and mint powders , pran , and yogurt. Season with salt.
4 – Toss in the drained lotus stems and bring to boil. Reduce heat and cook for about 10 minutes.

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