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» » Nepal earthquake: Teenage boy found alive after five days
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A teenage boy has been rescued after surviving for five days in the rubble of a building, following an earthquake that killed some 5,500 people in Nepal.

A huge crowd cheered as rescuers brought the boy out of the rubble in the capital, Kathmandu. The boy has now been taken to a field hospital.

Meanwhile, bad weather is hampering the delivery of relief to remote villages, a Nepal government spokesman said.

The government has been criticised for its response to the disaster.

Outside the capital, the relief effort has relied heavily on helicopters, with mountainous roads blocked by landslides triggered by the earthquake.

Laxmi Dhakal, a spokesperson for Nepal's Home Ministry, told the BBC that helicopters loaded with rescue workers and relief materials were ready to fly but had been held back by "rainfall and cloudy conditions".

In Kathmandu, rescue workers from Nepal and the US worked for hours to free the boy from the rubble of the building.

The boy, named in the media as Pemba Lama, eventually emerged blinking into the sunlight, to cheers from a crowd.

He was carried out away on a stretcher with a blue brace strapped around his neck, and has now been taken to an Israeli-run field hospital.

Andrew Olvera, an official from the US Agency for International Development, earlier told the Associated Press news agency that the boy had been trapped between the collapsed floors of the building but was not "too far down".

Frustration has been growing in parts of rural Nepal over the pace of relief efforts, with some badly-affected villages yet to receive any assistance.

Survivors in some areas told the BBC that they were angry that neither food nor medicine had reached them.

The UN has appealed for $415m (£270m) to help provide emergency relief over the next three months. Officials say Saturday's quake injured at least 11,000 people.

The UN says more than eight million people have been affected by Saturday's 7.8-magnitude quake and some 70,000 houses have been destroyed.

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