Refreshingly succulent, tart and sweet mulberries are indeed rich in numerous
health benefiting flavonoid phyto-nutrients. Botanically, they are the berries obtained
from the silkworm tree belonging to the Moraceae family, within the genus: Morus. Scientific name: Morus nigra. L. In Spanish, they are known as moras.
More than hundred species of morus exist. In taxonomy, species generally are identified not by the color of their fruits (berries) but by the color of flower buds, and leaves. So, a morus plant can exhibit different color berries (black, purple, red, white, etc.) in the same plant.
Mulberry- Morus alba.A white mulberry plant can have different color fruits. Moras buds and flowers.
Three species have been recognized for their economic importance. White mulberry (Morus alba) is native to
eastern and central China. Red or American mulberry (Morus rubra) is native to eastern United States.
Black mulberry (Morus nigra) is native to western Asia. Mulberries are large, deciduous trees native to warm, temperate, and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Technically, the mulberry fruit is an aggregation of small fruits arranged concentrically around the central axis as in blackberry or loganberries. Each fruit measures 2-5 cm long. In most species, mulberries are purple-red when ripen;
however, they can be white, red, purple or multiple variegated colors in the same fruit.
health benefiting flavonoid phyto-nutrients. Botanically, they are the berries obtained
from the silkworm tree belonging to the Moraceae family, within the genus: Morus. Scientific name: Morus nigra. L. In Spanish, they are known as moras.
More than hundred species of morus exist. In taxonomy, species generally are identified not by the color of their fruits (berries) but by the color of flower buds, and leaves. So, a morus plant can exhibit different color berries (black, purple, red, white, etc.) in the same plant.
Mulberry- Morus alba.A white mulberry plant can have different color fruits. Moras buds and flowers.
Three species have been recognized for their economic importance. White mulberry (Morus alba) is native to
eastern and central China. Red or American mulberry (Morus rubra) is native to eastern United States.
Black mulberry (Morus nigra) is native to western Asia. Mulberries are large, deciduous trees native to warm, temperate, and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Technically, the mulberry fruit is an aggregation of small fruits arranged concentrically around the central axis as in blackberry or loganberries. Each fruit measures 2-5 cm long. In most species, mulberries are purple-red when ripen;
however, they can be white, red, purple or multiple variegated colors in the same fruit.
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